Rebekah Reedy Miller is a structured settlement consultant that has assisted the Plaintiff’s Bar since 2006. Presently she is the largest sponsor of Texas Trial Lawyers Association and Dallas Trial Lawyers Association and sponsors many other local Trial Lawyers Associations in the state of Texas. Rebekah is considered to be one of the most successful brokers throughout the state of Texas and she was selected for the 2014 Texas Lawyer Best Structured Settlement Firm in Dallas. She is a member of the Society of Settlement Planners, and the National Association of Professional Women.
Rebekah has a considerable amount of experience working with trial lawyers in various roles over the years including the Texas Trial Lawyers’ Association, local Trial Lawyer Associations and in the placement of structured settlements in personal injury and medical malpractice cases. She is licensed in Life, Accident, and Health Insurance and specializes in annuities. For most of her professional career, she has worked exclusively with plaintiff attorneys and their clients assisting with Structured Settlements, Structured Attorney Fees, & Qualified Settlement Funds. Rebekah is innovative by taking the lead in settlement planning and assisting with the utilization of Special Needs Trust; Health, Maintenance & Education Trust; Medicare Set Asides and Affordable Health Care. “I genuinely believe in the work that the plaintiff’s bar performs on behalf of victims and their families,” says Reedy Miller. “Therefore, I am diligently committed to working exclusively for trial lawyers and their clients.”