With over 20 years of experience in the financial industry, Kimberly Overby works as a national settlement consultant specializing in providing customized settlement plans to injured parties and unique financial solutions to clients in transition. Kimberly offers an unparalleled brand of personal attention and assistance to the plaintiff and the plaintiff's family, in addition to assisting personal injury attorneys and their legal teams. She is well-known and respected throughout the industry for her impeccable work ethic, outstanding service, and attention to detail. She takes pride in the responsibility of helping injured victims build a brighter future and to continue living the rest of their lives with dignity and respect. As Overby expresses, "It is our privilege to provide quality care and management to those who are in need of protection and assistance. My goal is to make a difference in this world and to empower others, one client at a time."
After attending Houston Baptist University, Overby served eight years with a CPA firm specializing in a wide variety of accounting, tax, and financial management services. In collaboration with the University of Notre Dame, the National Structured Settlements Trade Association (NSSTA) conferred upon Kimberly its honorary Certified Structured Settlement Consultant (CSSC) designation following her completion of industry experience requirements, a prescribed course of study and a comprehensive examination. In 2016, Kimberly also earned her Certified Medicare Secondary Payor Professional® (CMSP) designation furthering her commitment to Medicare Secondary Payor compliance and helping settlement recipients preserve their eligibility for much needed public benefits. Overby also upholds the standard of excellence as a nationally certified fiduciary while covering all areas of settlement planning, including:
- Structured Settlements
- Trust Services
- Attorney Fee Deferrals
- Medicare Set-Asides
- Qualified Settlement Funds
- Lien Resolution, and
- Government Benefit Preservation.
Overby was honored to be profiled as "The Every Woman" by NSIDE Texas Business Magazine. As a mother of three, her passion for people is evidenced in both her professional and personal life. She is a member of the National Alliance of Medicare Set-Aside Professionals (NAMSAP), and Texas Wall Street Women (TWSW). In addition, she is a dedicated advocate for Girls Inc., Foundation for the Education of Young Women (FEYW), National Charity League, and is active in her church and various other community organizations.