Jennifer Cantrell is a Certified Structured Settlement Consultant, and while her main office is in Orlando, she often travels the nation to assist victims of motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, negligent security, products liability and other personal injury, workers compensation and wrongful death claims. Jennifer is proud to be recognized as an industry leader by participating in advisory forums to the life markets and within her own corporation. She often speaks at industry events and trial lawyer association conferences including AIEG, Florida Justice Association, Central Florida Trial Lawyers, American Association of Justice, Treasure Coast Trial Lawyers and many more. Recently she volunteered on the Ninth Circuit Grievance Committee for the state of Florida which reviews, investigates and makes recommendations for cases of complaints against lawyers for violations of Florida Bar Rules.
Jennifer has always dedicated her efforts to help plaintiffs of personal injury and claimants of workers compensation cases. She is passionate about working for the people who were wronged and helping them to live a life of dignity. It is impossible to be made whole after a disabling injury or permanent loss but the ability to have financial security for a lifetime, helps families and individuals to have a brighter future.
When faced with this kind of tragedy, the thought of managing large sums of money can be daunting to anyone. Jennifer brings a kind and warm-hearted touch when she works with families and individuals to help them develop the right plan for their future. She listens carefully to her clients’ needs and wants, in order to help them achieve a better quality of life. Jennifer takes a “problem-solving approach” to every case!
- When there is a settlement or verdict involving a minor or an incompetent adult, there are several obstacles to overcome to get the case resolved. Jennifer is ready to consult the attorney on the best approach to some of these obstacles for a smoother and easier road for the claimant. In certain venues, she can also advise regarding what the Court will and will not likely approve.
- In cases where claimants are receiving government benefits, many variables need to be considered, and a careful plan should be devised! Often plaintiffs will consider not pursuing their personal injury claim because they do not want to jeopardize their benefits. This is not the answer; with the proper planning, plaintiffs can receive their personal injury recoveries and keep their government benefits.
- The answer to the problem is not always the same! In a case involving a mother and three minor children who were beneficiaries of a wrongful death case: the defendants thought they would get a 20% discount on the settlement for agreeing to structure the children’s recovery. Analyzing different options, Jennifer was able to provide a better financial outcome with a Settlement Preservation Trust and meet the needs of the family. In the end, the defense paid the total amount with NO discount.
Jennifer achieved her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Central Florida in 1998. She has obtained the distinguished Certified Structured Settlement Consultant designation at the University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business Executive Education Program.
Jennifer is licensed in most states and has structured hundreds of millions of dollars for plaintiffs and their attorneys.